- The Heisenberg curve in Arithmetic Topology, Second Workshop of Greek Women in Mathematics, University of Athens, Greece, 04/07/2024.
- Actions on the Homology of the Heisenberg curve, Algebraic Number Theory, a workshop for young researchers, University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Germany, 03/09/2024.
- AESIM-CIMPA School, Introduction to Number Theory and Algebraic Curves, Belgrade, 2024.
- Hecke Algebras and Applications, Spetses, Greece 2023.
- Second Congress of Greek Mathematicians SCGM-2022, Athens, Greece 2022.
- Summer Meeting of Young Researchers in Mathematics, Athens, Greece, 2019.
- First Congress of Greek Mathematicians FCGM-2018, Athens, Greece 2018.